Project PFI Service


Project PFI

The challenges of PFI are often under represented within the public sector. Project PFI provides an ambassadorial role, as a part of Inscyte, by being a voice of reason across the PFI market place.

Project PFI is a listening vehicle offering initial support and advice to its clients. It presents practical solutions by simplifying the inherent complexities in the PFI environment, creating a catalyst for improvement.

Through Project PFI the private sector / public sector imbalance can be redressed.

Expiry & Handback Project Management

Our client centered handback model will ensure you are ready to confront and overcome the uniquely complex challenges of the expiry of your contract - commercially, operationally, and financially.

To achieve this we will be your technical  friend ensuring all aspects of your assets are protected and future proofed, reflecting your organisation's long term strategy.

Inscyte will represent you by undertaking all commercial negotiations and project managing your preparations for the post-PFI contract phase.

Our objective is to optimise the condition of your estate and minimise risks and costs of the expiry and handback process.

PFI Health Check

Through detailed analysis of your contracts and onsite audits, we assess the performance of your provider and identify opportunities for improvement. From this we develop recommendations for change, and negotiate the implementation on your behalf.

As industry experts, we understand every facet of the PFI world, from defect management to the remodeling of services. We will optimise contract outcomes and minimise your costs. 

Contract Management Support & Savings Initiatives

Supporting clients to achieve positive outcomes both operationally and financially. We will reduce the burden of PFI on your organisation.

As experts in contract management, we guide and train your teams to optimise the outcomes of the contract management function. Providing processes and resources to help you ensure operational contractual compliance.

We are specialists in delivering successful savings initiatives. We will review and challenge key contractual areas including,  payment mechanism, performance models, energy reconciliation, lifecycle expenditure, insurance gainshare, FM service delivery, open work orders, variations and defects.

PFI Support Desk

We provide a dedicated support desk giving contract managers instant access to support and guidance across all aspects of your PFI project. This includes monthly reports analysis, deduction reconciliation, helpdesk monitoring, extensions and contractor communications.

We offer a subscription based support desk and email response service. Between the hours of 09:00 - 17:00 we will deal with your enquires, respond to requests for guidance and support individual managers in the day to day management of the contract.

Benchmarking and Market Testing

Benchmarking and Market Testing is a mandatory 5 yearly obligation within many PFI contracts.

With over 10 years' experience supporting the public sector through this complex negotiation. Inscyte can boast a 100% track record of negotiating lower contract prices for all its clients.

Our unique approach of interrogating local and national service costs combined with a bottom up costing model, creates a direct public sector comparator.

We are able to influence and challenge the PFI Contractor's assumptions in order to guarantee value for money for the public purse.

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